Colorado Gem & Mineral Co. - Rocks for the Rest of Us

Erongo, Namibia

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Gemmy, bright-blue Aquamarine crystal with good form.   DW..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Brilliant Aquamarine crystal on Feldspar matrix.   DW..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Beautiful, gemmy, prismatic Aquamarine crystals in classic, aesthetic composition.   DW..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Beautiful well-formed Aquamarine crystal with classic shape and great color, ideal for jewelry. &..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Another sharp single crystal, this one with a small terminated schorl and feldspar, and tiny aquas a..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

- Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Beautiful, well-formed Aquamarine specimen conisting of two fused crystals.   DW..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

- Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Beautiful blue Aquamarine crystal on matrix of crystallized Schorl Tourmaline and Feldspar.  ..


- Fluorite

Beautiful, well-formed Fluorite crystal with vivid blue-green color.   Aesthetic. Measures 4 x 3..


- Fluorite

Well-formed Fluorite crystal group with beautiful color including shades of blue, purple and green. ..


- Fluorite

Fluorite crystal with deep-green color from Erongo, Namibia.   DW..


- Fluorite

Exceptional, gemmy Fluorite crystal with architectural geometry and great brilliance.   One of our v..


- Fluorite

Brilliant Fluorite crystal with a vein of white Quartz.   Fluorite color is mostly green with some b..


- Fluorite

Purple and green Fluorite crystals on matrix. Measures 3.25 x 2.75 x 2 inches. From Erongo, ..

Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

- Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

Gemmy Demantoid crystals on Quartz. Demantoid is the green gem variety of Andradite garnet.   ..

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

- Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Cluster of well-formed, doubly-terminated crystals of Schorl Tourmaline with great brilliance. &n..

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

- Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Briliant Schorl crystal with excellent terminations and luster, very aesthetic...

Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz

- Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz

Schorls and Smoky Quartz together in geometric array, one of the finest we've ever seen. Geometric s..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) and Schorl

- Aquamarine ( Beryl ) and Schorl

Well-formed Aquamarine crystals scattered on a plate of Schorl Tourmaline crystals, atop Feldspar. ..

Aquamarine on Schorl Tourmaline with Hematite Pseudomorph after Magnetite

- Aquamarine on Schorl Tourmaline with Hematite Pseudomorph after Magnetite

Pseudomorph of Hematite after Magnetite, perched on cluster of terminated Schorl Tourmalines, with t..

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)