Colorado Gem & Mineral Co. - Rocks for the Rest of Us

Santander, Colombia


- Quartz

Aesthetic cluster of well-formed Quartz crystals, pointing in all directions.   Endless di..


- Quartz

Numerous sharp Quartz crystals, atop a shard of Quartzite.   DW..


- Quartz

Beautiful plate of brilliant, needle-like Quartz crystals.   Very aesthetic...


- Quartz

Icy Quartz crystal with smaller crystals on all sides...


- Quartz

Cluster of flawless brilliant Quartz crystals of all sizes, and explosion of light. Click link to s..


- Quartz

Aesthetic group of sharp, icy Quartz crystals jutting in all directions, from premier Santander loca..

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Cluster of sharp Quartz crystals...

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Aesthetic cluster of long, prismatic Quartz crystals.   DW..

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Beautiful cluster of well-formed prismatic Quartz crystals, in aesthetic composition.   Fr..

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Needle-like Quartz crystals on matrix, from famous Quartz locality...

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Floater group of brilliant Quartz crystals from premier Quartz locality.   posted..

Quartz Cluster

- Quartz Cluster

Quartz cluster with explosion of needle-like crystals, very aesthetic...

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Beautiful group of fine, need-like Quartz with excellent brilliance and form.   DW..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Brilliant group of sharp Quartz crystals.   DW..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Exceptional plate of well-formed Quartz crystals from Santander, Colombia, the standard for fine Qua..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Brilliant cluster of well-formed Quartz crystals, with aesthetic growth patterns on half of prismati..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Outstanding group of sharp, brilliant Quartz crystals from premier locality for Quartz.   ..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Explosive group of sharp, terminated Quartz crystals with dramatic striations from Santander Colombi..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Brilliant group of needle-like Quartz from famous Quartz locality in Santander, Colombia.   p..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Aesthetic plate of needle-like Quartz crystals in a range of sizes.   posted..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Aesthetic Quartz group with excellent brilliance, and good variety of crystal size.  One of th..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Unusual, double-sided plate of Quartz with no visible point of attachment, except broken matrix on b..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Large, icy Quartz crystal with attached group of geometric, needle-like crystals...

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Doubly terminated crystal with needle-like crystals grouped on one end. Unusual and dramatic. This i..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Dramatic, explosive formation of sharp, optical Quartz crystals with endless display angles and rain..

Quartz Group

- Quartz Group

Dramatic, showy "plate" of needle-like, optical Quartz crystals from the premier Quartz locality, Sa..

Quartz with Limonite after Pyrite - Pseudomorph

- Quartz with Limonite after Pyrite - Pseudomorph

Brilliant group of sharp Quartz crystals with well-formed pseudomorphs of Limonite after Pyrite.&nbs..

Showing 1 to 30 of 30 (1 Pages)