Colorado Gem & Mineral Co. - Rocks for the Rest of Us

Minerals H - Z

Description for Minerals H - M

Aquamarine , Etched ( Beryl )

a447 - Aquamarine , Etched ( Beryl )

Brilliant, etched, Aquamarine with dramatic hollowed structure.   One of a kind. Click ..

Azurite / Malachite Pseudomorph

b406 - Azurite / Malachite Pseudomorph

Brilliant, terminated crystal of Azurite, partially replaced by Malachite, on matrix.   Rare and aes..

Garnet var. Spessartite

b691 - Garnet var. Spessartite

Brilliant, well-formed Spessartite Garnets with vivid, tangerine-orange color, on Feldspar matrix.  ..

Garnet var. Spessartite on Feldspar

b692 - Garnet var. Spessartite on Feldspar

Brilliant, bright-orange Spessartite Garnets on Feldspar matrix.   Classic gem mineral specimen. ..

Helvine and Spessartite Garnet on Orthoclase

a834 - Helvine and Spessartite Garnet on Orthoclase

Pair of well-formed, interlocked Helvine crystals with Spessartite Garnets on Orthoclase matrix. ..

Helvine on Orthoclase with Spessartite Garnet and Muscovite

30069 - Helvine on Orthoclase with Spessartite Garnet and Muscovite

Brown Helvines to 1 cm, some twinned on Orthoclase feldspar with some small Spessartites on both...

Helvine with Smoky Quartz and Spessartite Garnet

b743 - Helvine with Smoky Quartz and Spessartite Garnet

Well-formed Helvine crystal in partial vug of terminated Smoky Quartz.   One orange Spessa..

Helvine with Spessartite and Quartz

3400 - Helvine with Spessartite and Quartz

Exceptional Helvine Specimen. The tabular dark brown crystal has a hole in one face that enters a sm..

Helvine with Spessartite Garnet on Feldspar

3844 - Helvine with Spessartite Garnet on Feldspar

Color zoned crystal, very sharp, with small red orange spessartine garnet on thin plate of feldspar,..

Helvine with Spessartite on Feldspar

b191 - Helvine with Spessartite on Feldspar

One of the best Helvine specimens from the Wushan mine, with exceptionally large and well-formed cry..

Helvine, Loellingite, and Arsenopyrite

b106 - Helvine, Loellingite, and Arsenopyrite

Extremely sharp reddish brown Helvine crystals on Arsenopyrite and Loellingite.  Helvite is a r..

Helvine, Spessartite Garnet and Muscovite on Orthoclase

b721 - Helvine, Spessartite Garnet and Muscovite on Orthoclase

Eight brilliant, well-formed Helvine crystals adorning a plate of Orthoclase Feldspar covered in Spe..

Hubnerite on Quartz

9868 - Hubnerite on Quartz

Brilliant, sharp Huebnerite crystals aesthetically perched on clear Quartz. Click photo for diff..


b11 - Hydrozincite

Stalactite group of snow white Hydrozincite, "zinc bloom", a carbonate of Zinc.  Fluoresces pale pur..

Inesite, Hubeite and Quartz

9465 - Inesite, Hubeite and Quartz

Very nice specimen of rare minerals with brilliant quartz. The best out of 100 pieces...


a810 - Kunzite

Classic shaped, perfect crystal of Kunzite with excellent color. Click photo for additional view..


a809 - Kunzite

Doubly-terminated Kunzite crystal with pastel-pink color.   Classic...


8690 - Kunzite

Doubly terminated Kunzite with classic shape and good color...


9899 - Kunzite

Twinned, doubly terminated, pale-pink Kunzite crystal.   Flawless.  ..

Kunzite ( Spodumene )

b3 - Kunzite ( Spodumene )

Stout, well-formed Kunzite crystal with pastel pink color.   posted..

Kunzite ( Spodumene )

b71 - Kunzite ( Spodumene )

Gemmy, pastel-pink Spodumene floater crystal with beautiful surface markings, from the Anita Mine in..

Kunzite ( Spodumene )

b73 - Kunzite ( Spodumene )

One of a kind Kunzite specimen with a natural hole formed through the crystal.   Interior of hole is..

Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )

a308 - Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )

Brilliant, glassy Kunzite crystal with etched surfaces...

Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )

a238 - Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )

Tabular double crystal of Spodumene with good color and classic form.   Very aesthetic...

Lapis Lazuli

6716 - Lapis Lazuli

Carved Lapis sculpture with vivid blue color and good polish.   Lapis is a mixture of 3 mi..

Lapis Lazuli

6634 - Lapis Lazuli

166 gram polished sculpture of Lapis Lazuli. 3x2x1.5 inches..

Lapis Lazuli

6719 - Lapis Lazuli

175 gram polished Lapis sculpture, showing pyrite richy bands. Lapis is a mixture of 3 minerals, La..


b139 - Limonite

Iridescent Limonite with hole through the middle.   posted..

Limonite ( Iridescent )

b141 - Limonite ( Iridescent )

Beautiful, botryoidal Limonite with bright, iridescent color.   posted..

Magnetite with Quartz

7908 - Magnetite with Quartz

Magnetite crystals with unusual velvet appearance. Strongly magnetic. Sharp crystal form, with smal ..

Magnetite with Quartz

9437 - Magnetite with Quartz

Beautiful Magnetite "rosette", aesthetically positioned amongst well-formed Quartz crystals.   Rare...


b603 - Malachite

Thick, polished Malachite with contrasting light and dark colors.   DW..


a394 - Malachite

Polished Malachite nodule with beautiful contrasting patterns. Click photo for additional view...


a401 - Malachite

Polished Malachite nodule with a pattern resembling a scarab...


a392 - Malachite

Polished nodule of Malachite with contrasting color...


a391 - Malachite

Beautiful polished Malachite nodule...


8963 - Malachite

Fibrous Malachite with excellent brilliance and aesthetic, natural composition.   posted..


30671 - Malachite

Botryoidal Malachite with velvet luster.   posted..


9717 - Malachite

Druzy Malachite formation from the Congo...

Malachite - Polished

b606 - Malachite - Polished

Beautiful polished Malachite with great color and banding.   DW..

Malachite - Polished

b605 - Malachite - Polished

Polished Malachite with beautiful, forest-green color.   DW..

Malachite - Polished

b607 - Malachite - Polished

Polished Malachite from the Congo.   DW..

Malachite Pseudomorph, after Selenite

9732 - Malachite Pseudomorph, after Selenite

Rare pseudomorph of Malachite after Selenite (Gypsum). Excellent specimen...

Microcline Feldspar

a359 - Microcline Feldspar

Aesthetic group of architectural Microcline Feldspar crystals...


b564 - Mimetite

Sharp, neon-orange Mimetite crystals with excellent form and color.   Classic.   DW..


b635 - Molybdenite

Brilliant crystal of Molybdenite with great color and crystallization.   DW..

Molybdenite and Quartz

b521 - Molybdenite and Quartz

Brilliant Molybdenite with attached Quartz.     DW..

Native Silver

6133 - Native Silver

Black Slate with Fine wire silver, rare locality...

Orthoclase ( Feldspar ) with Quartz, Beryl and Goethite

9612 - Orthoclase ( Feldspar ) with Quartz, Beryl and Goethite

Elongated, twinned Orthoclase crystals with tapered, doubly-terminated Quartz crystals. Small Aquama..

Peridot ( Forsterite / Olivine )

9555 - Peridot ( Forsterite / Olivine )

Peridot in matrix, from the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona.   Classic.   DW..

Showing 1 to 50 of 298 (6 Pages)