Colorado Gem & Mineral Co. - Rocks for the Rest of Us

Namibia Minerals

Amethyst / Smoky Quartz Scepter

Amethyst / Smoky Quartz Scepter

Quartz Scepter with colorless shaft and Smoky Quartz head.  Difficult to find in this size and ..

Amethyst / Smoky Scepter

Amethyst / Smoky Scepter

Extremely sharp, distorted Amethyst / Smoky scepter with almost every face displaying hopper gr..

Amethyst Scepter

Amethyst Scepter

Large, brilliant Amethyst / Smoky Quartz scepter with extremely distorted termination.   V..

Amethyst Scepter

Amethyst Scepter

Beautiful Amethyst / Smoky scepter with numerous hopper faces...

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine crystal emerging from white matrix, aesthetic.   DW..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Doubly-terminated, deep-blue Aquamarine crystal, perched within a natural vug.   Extremely..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Bright-blue Aquamarine crystal, perched on matrix.   Classic.   posted..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Terminated Aquamarine crystal with good form, perched on white Feldspar matrix.   Aestheti..

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Aquamarine ( Beryl )

Doubly-terminated Aquamarine crystal perched on white Feldspar, very aesthetic,   A classi..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Orthoclase with Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Orthoclase with Schorl Tourmaline

Two terminated Aquamarines with smaller ones on Orthoclase Feldspar with Schorl Tourmalines.  T..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with  Quartz and Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Quartz and Schorl Tourmaline

Group of Schorl Tourmalines at the base of a 1.25" Aquamarine with sharp form and good color blue.&n..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Floater group of doubly terminated Aquamarines with Schorl tourmaline.  Excellent thumbnail...

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Doubly terminated Aquamarines with Schorl.  Aesthetic gem crystal  group...

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Prismatic Aquamarine crystals formed on stout, doubly-terminated Schorl Tourmaline. Schorls exhibit ..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline

Doubly terminated Aquamarines on Black Tourmaline.  New production...

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline and Orthoclase

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline and Orthoclase

Thin plate of Orthoclase feldspar with over 10 Aquamarines, most doubly terminated.  Excellent ..

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline, Microcline and Hyaline

Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Schorl Tourmaline, Microcline and Hyaline

Beautiful Aquamarine crystal, aesthetically formed on a matrix of terminated Schorl Tourmaline and M..

Azurite / Malachite Pseudomorph

Azurite / Malachite Pseudomorph

Spray of thick blades of Azurite with a few crystals being replaced by Malachite.  Classic Tsumeb...

Beryl var. Aquamarine

Beryl var. Aquamarine

Brilliant group of sharp, well-formed Aquamarine crystals.   Classic and aesthetic. &nb..



Prismatic and brilliant Dioptase crystals lining a small vug, great composition...



Large, prismatic Dioptase crystal aesthetically perched on contrasting brown matrix...



Aesthetic, well-formed Dioptase crystals arranged on all sides of Quartz matrix.   Very aesthetic, e..



Beautiful, blue-green Dioptase crystals aesthetically spread on Quartz matrix...



Excellent specimen of brilliant Dioptase crystals, on clear Calcite.   Very aesthetic. ..



Gemmy, purple Fluorite crystal with unusual shape.   Aesthetic.   DW..

Fluorite on feldspar

Fluorite on feldspar

Single modified octahedral Fluorite (1.75") and smaller crystal perched on feldspar with fine graine..

Fluorite on Muscovite

Fluorite on Muscovite

Bright green Fluorite octahedrons on Muscovite and small Quartz crystals, add color to your mineral ..

Fluorite on Quartz

Fluorite on Quartz

Beautiful blue and purple Fluorite crystal on Quartz...

Fluorite on Schorl Tourmaline

Fluorite on Schorl Tourmaline

Gemmy emerald green Fluorite Octagonal crystals along a Schorl Tourmaline and fine grained Lepidolit..

Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

Gemmy Demantoid crystals on Quartz. Demantoid is the green gem variety of Andradite garnet.   ..

Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

Garnet , Demantoid ( variety of Andradite )

Gemmy green garnet crystals on Quartz.  A rare gem mineral, excellent crystallization...

Orthoclase ( Feldspar ) with Quartz, Beryl and Goethite

Orthoclase ( Feldspar ) with Quartz, Beryl and Goethite

Elongated, twinned Orthoclase crystals with tapered, doubly-terminated Quartz crystals. Small Aquama..

Quartz Group

Quartz Group

Beautiful group of Quartz crystals, some Smoky and doubly-terminated.   Very aesthetic...

Schorl Tourmaline with Topaz

Schorl Tourmaline with Topaz

Brilliant cluster of Schorl Tourmaline crystals with terminated Topaz crystal.   Very aesthetic...



Small vug filled with botryoidal Shattuckite, aesthetic...



Deep geode of Shattuckite with denim blue color...



Extremely rare geode of pure Shattuckite, with cast faces from Quartz...

Shattuckite and Dioptase

Shattuckite and Dioptase

Botryoidal Shattuckite with beautiful, deep-blue color and aesthetic form.   Dioptase filled some ga..

Shattuckite on Quartz

Shattuckite on Quartz

Unusual specimen of Shattuckite layers over Quartz...

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Large Smoky Quartz crystal with hopper faces, several layers of clay inclusions and a frozen / immob..

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz crystal packed full of interesting inclusions...

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Doubly-terminated Smoky Quartz crystal with unusual geometry. Click photo for additional view. ..

Smoky Quartz Scepter

Smoky Quartz Scepter

Smoky Quartz scepter with distorted growth and two parallel tips...

Smoky Quartz Scepter

Smoky Quartz Scepter

Brilliant, single smoky Quartz crystal with fabulous prism face resembling an engraving and a super ..

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Group of brilliant Schorl Tourmaline crystals...

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Large, brilliant Schorl on Feldspar matrix. Very aesthetic...

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Well-formed Schorl Tourmaline crystal, perched on aesthetic white matrix.   posted..

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Briliant Schorl crystal with excellent terminations and luster, very aesthetic...

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Large, brilliant Schorl crystal with excellent termination and geometry...

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Tourmaline ( Schorl )

Fully-crystallized Schorl Tourmaline, aesthetically perched on Smoky Quartz matrix.   Exce..

Showing 1 to 50 of 56 (2 Pages)