Pakistan-Afghanistan Pegmatite Specimens
We have an extensive inventory of fine pegmatite minerals from Pakistan-Afghanistan, some of which are new to the gem and mineral world. Please check this area repeatedly if you are interested in gem minerals.
We also have pegmatite specimens from Brazil, Namibia, Vietnam and the US.
7733 - Aquamarine ( Beryl )
Naturally etched, gemmy Aquamarine in the shape of a "z". Very aesthetic...
7924 - Aquamarine ( Beryl )
Flawless, brilliant light blue Aquamarines with Orthoclase Feldspar, a very fine group and excellent..
a331 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Albite
Several Aquamarines perched on blocky Albite crystals with some Muscovite. Classic Pakistan Be..
4818 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Feldspar with Schorlite
Several terminated aquamarines with numerous smaller ones and black tourmaline on feldspar matrix...
1103 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Microcline and Albite
Various gemmy Aquamarine crystals on skeletonized microcline with some Albites. A c..
7703 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Muscovite
Several gemmmy pale blue Aquamarines on Muscovite. Aesthetic, classic specimen...
9329 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Orthoclase
Doubly terminated 2" Aquamarine resting on Orthoclase feldspar crystal. Excellent pegmatite sp..
3725 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Quartz and Feldspar
Beautiful, bright-blue Aquamarines (main one doubly-terminated), amongst matrix of snow-white Feldsp..
4819 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) on Twinned Muscovite and Albite
Medium blue doubly-terminated gemmy 1 1/8 aquamarine perched on Muscovite twin and unusual "sculpted..
7702 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Albite
Two doubly termianted Aquamarines with complex development on euhedral Albite crystal, some muscovit..
1171 - Aquamarine ( Beryl ) with Columbite / Niobite , on Albite Feldspar
Very nice matrix of Albite crystals with numerous Aquamarine crystals and a Columbite / Niobite. I l..
a290 - Beryl var. Aquamarine on Quartz with Muscovite
Doubly-terminated Quartz crystrals with beautiful Muscovite and a gemmy Aquamarine. Clas..
3643 - Beryl, with strange crystal form
Very unusual goshenite with smaller diameter near top on cluster of quartz crystals...
7737 - Cassiterite with Muscovite
Two 1.25" crystals attached to larger flat Cassiterites and two Muscovite crystals...
a724 - Clinozoisite
Large, gemmy crystal of Clinozoisite with beautiful green and pink color. This is the best example..
a424 - Forsterite / Olivine ( Peridot )
Classic, gemmy Forsterite crystal from premier locality. Very aesthetic...
a421 - Forsterite / Olivine ( Peridot )
Exceptional, doubly-terminated Forsterite crystal with beautiful form, very aesthetic...
a413 - Forsterite / Olivine ( Peridot )
Gemmy Forsterite crystal with unusual geometry, from premier locality...
a409 - Forsterite / Olivine ( Peridot )
Group of parallel Forsterite crystals on matrix, from premier locality...
a810 - Kunzite
Classic shaped, perfect crystal of Kunzite with excellent color. Click photo for additional view..
b73 - Kunzite ( Spodumene )
One of a kind Kunzite specimen with a natural hole formed through the crystal. Interior of hole is..
a238 - Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )
Tabular double crystal of Spodumene with good color and classic form. Very aesthetic...
a308 - Kunzite ( variety of Spodumene )
Brilliant, glassy Kunzite crystal with etched surfaces...
2907 - Rose Quartz (crystallized)
Deepest reddish pink halo on Smoky Quartz crystal. Extremely rare crystallized Rose Quartz for deep..
5021 - Rose Quartz (crystallized)
A "belt" of crystallized Rose Quartz around all sides of a brilliant Smoky Quartz. Rare locality f..
b618 - Rubellite Tourmaline ( Elbaite ) on Albite
Numerous, brilliant pink Tourmalines in a matrix of Albite and Lepidolite. Most crystals are unter..
9460 - Spodumene ( Kunzite )
Doubly terminated, perfect Spodumene crystal in unusual, elongated shape...
a807 - Spodumene ( Kunzite )
Single crystal of Kunzite with classic, aesthetic shape and pale-pink color. posted..
a591 - Spodumene / Kunzite
Extremely rare, transparent Spodumene crystal with pale-pink color. DW..
a836 - Spodumene on Quartz
Brilliant Spodumene crystal imbedded in a terminated Quartz crystal. Classic...
b596 - Topaz
Gemmy, stout Topaz crystal with beautiful termination and great brilliance. DW..
8684 - Topaz on Albite
At least 8 colorless Topazes scattered on Albite matrix. Largest Topaz is 1.5" and doubly terminated..
b124 - Topaz on Albite, Muscovite and Quartz
Numerous terminated Topaz crystals, sprinkled among a matrix of Albite, Muscovite and Quartz. Exce..
a872 - Topaz on Cleavelandite
Gemmy doubly-terminated Topaz on brilliant Cleavelandite, with small Tourmalines..
b644 - Topaz on Quartz in Albite
Two gemmy Topaz crystals on a doubly-terminated Quartz imbedded in Albite matrix. DW..
1680 - Topaz with Tourmaline
Complete Topaz crystal penetrated by Schorl Tourmaline with small attachment of Orthochalse Feldspar..
b637 - Topaz, Muscovite and Fluorite on Albite
Brilliant Topaz crystals with Muscovite and green-blue Fluorite on Albite matrix. A dream miniatur..
6356 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite )
Group of bicolor Tourmalines from premier locality in Afghanistan. Collection of Gene Meieran...
a364 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite )
Gemmy, green Tourmaline crystal with complex termination. Very aesthetic...
a827 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite ) in Quartz
Terminated Quartz crystal studded with bright green Tourmaline crystals, very aesthetic...
8548 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite ) on Quartz
Bright green Tourmaline crystals, mostly terminated on at least one end, included and covering two p..
9820 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite ) on Quartz
Pastel, blue-green Elbaite Tourmaline crystals in a doubly terminated Quartz crystal. &nbs..
a263 - Tourmaline ( Elbaite ) on Quartz
Bright-green Tourmaline crystals on doubly-terminated Quartz crystal. Very aesthetic...
9701 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) and Topaz
Brilliant Schorl Tourmaline rising from group of gemmy Topaz crystals. Very Aesthetic...