Tourmaline is a rare gem mineral found most notably in Brazil, Africa, California and Maine.
Occurring in an unusually wide range of colors and intensities, it can be pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, colorless, black and even multi-colored. Green and pink crystals can be cut into slices called "watermelon tourmaline". Flawless cut stones can be worth thousands per carat!
Tourmaline is harder than Quartz and has many unusual physical properties that make it useful in electronics.
A sampling of our Tourmaline gemstones can be found in this category. See the category "Assorted Gemstones" for our complete inventory.
b868 - Aquamarine and Siderite on Schorl Tourmaline
Trio of minerals from Namibian pegmatite, including perfect Siderites perched along with Aquamarine ..
4330 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Complete sharp crystal with complex growth at termination, very sculptural, aesthetic...
b781 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Cluster of well-formed, doubly-terminated crystals of Schorl Tourmaline with great brilliance. &n..
b119 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Fully-crystallized Schorl Tourmaline, aesthetically perched on Smoky Quartz matrix. Exce..
9499 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Well-formed Schorl Tourmaline crystal, perched on aesthetic white matrix. posted..
b21 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Well-formed, brilliant Schorl Tourmaline cluster with beautiful geometry. posted..
a849 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Brilliant Schorl Tourmaline crystal, studded with Quartz crystals, on matrix. ..
a620 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Beautiful black Tourmaline (Schorl) with brilliant termination showing intricate, crystallized textu..
9905 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Brilliant, doubly-terminated Schorl ( Black Tourmaline ) on matrix. Very aesthetic...
9417 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Briliant Schorl crystal with excellent terminations and luster, very aesthetic...
9416 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Large, brilliant Schorl crystal with excellent termination and geometry...
4909 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Brilliant, flashy, complex crystal of Schorl Tourmaline with beautiful geometry. DW..
9401 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Beautiful, brilliant cluster of well-formed Schorl Tourmaline crystals. For the Schorl c..
4397 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Extremely complex group of brilliant, parallel tourmaline crystals and some small terminated quartz ..
a122 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) and Quartz
Excellent group of two brilliant Schorl Tourmalines with two elongated Smoky Quartz, very aesthetic...
9701 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) and Topaz
Brilliant Schorl Tourmaline rising from group of gemmy Topaz crystals. Very Aesthetic...
4908 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) on Albite with Quartz
Brilliant schorl perched on Albite with Smoky Quartz...
5241 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Albite
Very fine group of brilliant complexly crystallized black tourmaline crystals. Our best Schorl speci..
6175 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Albite
Flattened brilliant Schorl with small Albite crystals around the base. Very aesthetic...
7669 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Orthoclase
Doubly terminated, very brilliant Schorl Tourmaline with smaller ones attached. Very aesthetic..
7776 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Orthoclase
Very very fine miniature of brilliant Schorl Tourmalines on snow white Orthoclase. One of the ..
7782 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Orthoclase
Brilliant black Tourmaline with small quartz crystals..
7695 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Orthoclase
Dramatic cluster of Schorl (Schorlite) Tourmaline, with attached Orthoclase, a very fine specimen fr..
7778 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Orthoclase and Quartz
Floater group of Black Tourmalines Quartz and Orthoclase. Aesthetic...
9430 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Quartz
Brilliant, well-formed Schorl Tourmaline crystal with scattered Quartz crystals. DW..
4305 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Quartz
Pristine brilliant tourmalines with sharp form on smoky quartz crystals, classic specimen from class..
9402 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz
Brilliant, doubly-terminated crystal of Schorl Tourmaline, on matrix with Smoky Quartz and Feldspar...
8600 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz
Large, brilliant Schorlite crystal with complex termination and an attached Smoky Quartz. Very aesth..
dd10 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz
Schorls and Smoky Quartz together in geometric array, one of the finest we've ever seen. Geometric s..
8610 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz
Classic specimen of brilliant Schorl Tourmalines intergrown with Quartz crystals, very aesthetic arc..
5243 - Tourmaline ( Schorl ) with Smoky Quartz
Brilliant doubly terminated Schorl attached to transparent quartz group, very aesthetic. Back side o..
9429 - Schorl Tourmaline
Cluster of sharp, brilliant Schorl Tourmaline crystals, with some Quartz. DW..
b916 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Extremely rare, unusual Black Tourmaline crystal with pseudo orthorhombic shape from a small mine in..
9424 - Tourmaline ( Schorl )
Brilliant, doubly-terminated Schorl Tourmaline crystal with beautiful shape and excellent luster. ..