Colorado Gem & Mineral Co. - Rocks for the Rest of Us
Amethyst Geodes in Basalt
Amethyst Geodes in Basalt  Amethyst Geodes in Basalt 

Amethyst Geodes in Basalt

  • Locale: Artigas, Uruguay
  • Item #: 1646
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Weight: 2,110.00 g
  • L x W x H: 8.50 in x 5.00 in x 3.50 in
  • $325.00

Basalt with portions of three different geodes, fashioned to display at different angles. The crystals are all Dauphine twins with partial Amethyst color.

This specimen is an excellent example of the geology in Amethyst deposits, specifically those in Uruguay. 

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